Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lets try this again...

So I have been a very bad blogger for the past six months. I am going to try and keep up with things a little bit better. My goal is to try and post at least two times a week. During the past couple of months I have been a potter, coach, babysitter and student. I was a track coach during the spring and when you add that to making pots all day that left me very little time for blogging. Now that track is over and it is Summer I am not only making pots but I am babysitting my neice and nephew a couple of days a week. On top of all of that I am taking a couple of classes at a community college so I will be able to start substitute teaching. I have been doing a lot of things lately trying to get ready for an art sale mid August and a barn sale in September. I am in the middle of testing some new glazes so hopefully in a couple of weeks I will have a full set of working glazes.

In the picture below is where I store all of my bisque pots before I fire them. Right now I dont have any working glazes that I like so I am gaining bisqued pots at a crazy rate.

These big pots I made today. They are about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. I am able to make these pretty fast thanks to a weed burner I bought a couple of years ago. I am able to make each pot in about an hour and a half.

The next two pots below were fired in my friends Joe and Christy Cole's wood fired kiln. The show that is mid August requires a few pictures of pots for the juried section and these are two of the pots I chose to get pictures taken of. The blues on the sides of the pot are due to the close proximity to the ember bed in the kiln. There is now glaze on the outside of the pot all of the color and flashing is due to the wood ash and flame from the firebox.

This last picture is a test glaze that I am working on. I just did a test firing and this test glaze I just threw together and I am really pleased with the results.
