So this is something that I havent done as of yet on this blog. I have been working on glaze testing for almost the past year trying to get things just right. While I wasnt glaze testing I was either making pots, clay, or something else probably not all to productive. I have just recently got my glaze to where I want them, for now, and am finally glaze firing my work. This is all happeneing right in the nick of time because I have an Art fair this weekend and I am hoping with these glazes to do well. The link to the website with all the information to this weekends sale is here>>> I am also having barn sales during the first two weekends of September. Enough with the talk on with the pictures.

These are three of my four new glazes. I also have a cream glaze that is in the next picture. I am probably going to stick with these 4 different glazes so that I only have four buckets of glaze hanging around. Right now I have some different layering tests in the kiln so I hope to have pictures of some of those tomorrow.

This is my cream glaze. I am really happy with how this one turned out. I am not sure if you can see it from this picture but a couple of these cream mugs that were sitting next to my
green glaze in the kiln got some green blushes on them. It is a very subtle blush but it makes the pot that much better.

So here is a group of pots that came out of the last firing. I really like my pots to cater to the kitchen and garden so I wanted to make glazes that even though they were different colors would match each other. The green and blue together
aren't the best but the cream, amber, green or cream, amber, blue look great together.

Here is one of the layering tests I was talking about. This particular load of pots started with disaster this morning at about 10. On top of these bowls in the kiln was a large floor jar that ended up exploding during the firing. Luckily the jar was a bone dry jar so that all the pieces were easy to clean up but none the less I was kinda sad. These bowls survived just fine since they had a kiln shelf to protect them from the debris but I wont see how they turn out until the next firing. The glaze combo on these is my cream glaze as the base with a ribbon of my amber glaze. I have this combo on a vase I believe in the firing that I am unloading tomorrow.

Last but not least glazed pitchers. These are going into the kiln tomorrow morning. There is another set of them on sawhorses just to the right of this picture but they
haven't been glazed yet due to their size. They are about 15 inches tall and my glaze buckets are just a little bit to small. I did find some 10 gallon rubber maid plastic garbage cans online that will be perfect for pretty much any glazing I have to do. Hopefully I will get those by the beginning of next week. I am also hoping that now that I am glazing pots and firing again I will be posting a heck of
a lot more. I found that when all I was doing was making pots the posts were sort of redundant. Oh well...... Cheers!