Bellow are the canisters. I made a batch of about 400 lbs of clay yesterday and instead of letting it age like any smart person I decided to just jump right in and start throwing it. The clay didn't really respond to well with what I was trying to do but I fought through it anyway. I added some reclaim to the batch when I made it yesterday and that has made the clay slightly plastic but not as plastic as I would like. As you can see the canisters are straight sided as opposed to a bellied jar. I really like the look of straight sided canisters plus the straight sides take up less counter space.
Here are the lids for the Canisters. I try and make all of the lid seats all the same size. It really makes it easy to crank out the lids rather than measuring each individual pot and then making the lid. another good thing about making all of the lid seats the same size is that you dont have to make the lids right while the pots are wet. I made these canisters at about noon today. I couldnt make the lids right away because I had to go pick out a wedding cake but that didnt really matter because like I said I already knew what size to make ALL of the lids.
These teapots are probably the most successful ones I have ever made. I think they have a nice shape and where the spouts are connected they have a really nice seam that isnt over worked. Now all they need to do is pour well and I'm in business.
Till next time....
hi sheridan! pots look good! did the kiln build in iowa happen? any leads on pottery opportunities?